These has been tested on Centos 5.5 64bit host.
1. KVM Guest installation with virt-install using default networking and storage image created automatically.
virt-install \
--name ubuntu_server \
--ram 256 \
--disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/ubuntu_server.img,size=5 \
--network network:default \
--accelerate \
--vnc \
--cdrom FullPathTo.iso
2. KVM Guest installation with virt-install using bridging interface, and storage image file created with qemu-img
For this its assume that bridge 'br0' interface is already configured on host, refer to
how to create bridge interface on Redhat/Centos.
a) To create storage image
# qemu-img create -f qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/ubuntu_server.img 10G
virt-install \
--name ubuntu_server \
--ram 256 \
--os-type='linux' \
--disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/ubuntu_server.img \
--network bridge:br0 \
--accelerate \
--vnc \
--cdrom FullPathTo.iso
3. Install a KVM in text mode from remote http server, storage image created with qemu-img. Check (a) for creating storage image
virt-install \
--name centos2 \
--ram 256 \
--os-type='linux' \
--disk path=/var/lib/libvirt/images/centos2.img \
--network network:default \
--nographics \
--location \
--hvm \
--extra-args console=ttyS0
Note: --extra-args will only work when performing a guest install from "--location", when doing install from local ISO image it should be mounted somewhere
Tips for completing the installing of guest operating system
1) To Connect from remote PC/laptop
1. install virt-viewer on your local pc
2. Upload your ssh public key to KVM host /root/.ssh/authorized_keys (For this you should allow root login in /etc/ssh/sshd_config)
3. Run the following by replace KVMHostIP with KVM host IP address and vmName with the KVM virtual machine name.
$ virt-viewer -c qemu+ssh://root@KVMHostIP/system vmName
To connect KVMs from the KVM Host
To connect using the virt-viewer tool, run the following command:
# virt-viewer vmName
To connect using the virt-manager tool, run the following command:
# virt-manager vmName
Auto start KVM VMs on Host system boot
The following command will mark the VM for auto start on system reboot
# virsh autostart vmName